Guidelines for Attending Online Classes

Attending online classes is similar and different from attending in-person classes. Below are guidelines to help you understand expectations for attending and participating in online classes at USC’s International Academy. Our goal is to provide clear expectations so that students and instructors can have a positive and productive online class experience.

Virtual Video Attendance

All USC International Academy students are expected to participate in online courses using video and audio. This enables instructors to visually verify attendance for immigration purposes and to monitor student’s active participation in class. As our classes focus on English language development and academic preparation, it is necessary for instructors to be able to see students as they speak to give them feedback on their language use and non-verbal communication. If you do not use video to participate when required during class you will be marked absent.

Active Participation

Active participation is expected in an online environment the same as in face-to-face class. Students should use Zoom tools (i.e. raising a hand, asking a question in chat, joining break out groups) to respond to questions and participate in class discussions. Online work in classes may include a grade or points for active participation.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity rules at USC (i.e. no plagiarism, no cheating) apply to online classes. Please continue to do your own work and only use materials as your instructor allows.

Dress Appropriately

When attending an online class, students are expected to dress appropriately as they would for an in-person class. This means no pajamas, sleepwear, or clothes you would not normally wear in public or in a university class. While it’s OK to wear your sippers (footwear is not visible online), the portion of you that is visible on camera should be dressed appropriately.

Limit Distractions

Your instructors have worked hard to prepare your online lessons. Please show your respect by actively participating and limited distractions in your home learning environment. This means using your laptop and phone for learning during classes (i.e. no texting, playing games, or doing any activity not related to classwork.) Please also limit eating to drinks and snacks only (it’s rude/not appropriate in the U.S. to eat a meal online in class).

Using Zoom and Blackboard for Online Learning

USC is using Zoom and Blackboard as online platforms for delivering live instruction and testing.

Setting up Your Devices

All students should install the Zoom and Blackboardapps on their mobile phones, tablets and computers. You must be prepared to access classes using different devices in case you have a problem with one device. On laptops, you can download the Zoom app and bookmark the USC blackboard site in your web browser. To use Zoom with Blackboard, you must have the Zoom app installed on your computer.

Using Zoom and Blackboard

Learning how to use Zoom and Blackboard apps will help you be prepared to actively engage in your online classes.

Zoom Training

USC maintains a website with guidelines for using Zoom.

Blackboard App Information

Blackboard has an introductory video and quick start guide for using the app to access course announcements, content, and grades on our phone or tablet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Online Learning

Studying online may represent new challenges for students.

What do I do if my internet is not working and I cannot attend class?

Students should be prepared to access Zoom on more than one device. If your internet connection or wifi is not working, try to use your mobile phone and data to attend your Zoom classes. If you still are not able to access your classes online, send a message to your instructor as soon as you can and explain the issue you are having (i.e. my internet connection is not working). You will be marked “present” for the class however you will be expected to watch the video of the class you missed and complete any assignments by the deadline.

What happens if I miss an exam because my internet is not working?

During this period of online classes we are allowing instructors to make exceptions to our “no exam or live presentation” make up policy. If you miss an exam or presentation due to internet connectivity, contact your instructor as soon as possible. Your instructor will determine if it is possible to make up the exam or live presentation. You may be asked to make up work that was missed outside of class time. Make up exams and presentations will be recorded and may be proctored by your instructor or staff member.

How can I watch online classes I missed or classes I want to review?

Your instructor will make Zoom classes available by 6pm each day. To view a recorded Zoom class, go into Blackboard to access the “USC Zoom Pro Meeting” link. This link will take you to a list of schedule Zoom classes. On the top of the meetings menu there is a tab labeled “Cloud recordings.” Go to the cloud recordings tab and you will see links to recordings of prior classes for your course.

What should I do if I need to use the restroom during my online class? 

Just as you would in class on campus, it’s OK to briefly leave the class to use the restroom. If you need to use the restroom, turn your video off and leave to use the restroom. There is no need to announce this to the class or your instructor. When you return, turn your video back on and rejoin the class. Keep in mind if you are gone more than 10 minutes from the class, attendance rules apply and you may be marked tardy or absent for the rest of the class.

How to be a Successful Online Learner

If you decide to enroll in a graduate program in the US, it is possible that one or more classes you will have to take will be online or will have online assignments, exams, or discussion groups. Therefore, it is important for all students to develop study skills to be a successful online learner. Here are some tips for success from major U.S. universities offering online classes.

  • Be persistent. Successful online students learn to be flexible when they encounter technology issues and they ask for help when they need it.
  • Manage your time and schedule study breaks. Studying online at home can be isolating and may mean sitting for long periods of time. To address these challenges plan your day to include breaks between classes for stretching and devote a few hours a week to join online study groups with friends.
  • Create a good study environment. Find a quiet place to attend classes Set up a study space that is comfortable and has good lighting.

As many businesses today are conducting work online, it’s important to develop successful online skills. Online learning is your perfect opportunity!